Next week (and further)

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Next week (and further)
Event Information
From : Sunday, 06 July 2014 07:00 AM
Until : Sunday, 06 July 2014 07:00 AM
(UTC 00:00) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca, Reykjavik
Seats available:
Unlimited seats
Event Creator:

Event Details

Okay! Here's a quick breakdown of the next couple of weeks for those who need to plan in advance:


Next week (Jun 29th-June 30th) - Nada. I'll be tuning my bike up and would otherwise be walking the trip.

1st weekend of July (6&7) - I realize this is a holiday weekend, so I'm going to do a quick bike ride to the Goose Pond Sanctuary (I'm really curious to see this) after classes on Saturday (July 6th).

2nd weekend of July (13&14) - We're going for a longer Sunday ride this time. Down to Paoli and back.

3rd weekend of July (20&21) - New Glarus. This one will require some responding if you plan on going. I'm going to work with Shifu to organize extra water and snacks. We may even be able to catch a concert in the park...


There you have the next couple of weekends. I'll keep people posted regarding any changes to the rides, support status, possible events, etc.


See everyone later!


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