Website navigation
Hi All,
I just updated the website navigation per the request of a few unnamed individuals.
In any case, if you haven't tried already, you can click on all of the top level navigation items (About, Martial Arts, Classes, Teams, Services, and Community). The request was that there also be an alias for those items in the menu that drops down, since people did not know they can click on the top level tab. I have added those links to the drop down menus.
In addition, I have moved the discussion groups into a menu item and put a top level community page with an activity stream on the Community tab itself.
You may also notice that I have added a link to the old forum content. We had to upgrade the software when we moved it for security reasons, so the template is not exactly the same, but it should work well enough for referencing the old content. Please remember that you can not post to it any more. Please use the new communities discussion groups (like this one!) instead.
Remember, if you need help, don't be afraid to ask. There may be reasons why things are setup the way they are, but we want feedback to make sure the site is as usable as possible given all of the constraints. And if you don't understand my web gibberish, you can sick Elaine on me... but beware, it's a two way street.