The Raid: Redemption - Sunday April 15 6:55PM @ Eastgate

Discussion started by CJ Kucera , on 13 April 12:58 PM

So there's a movie coming out called "The Raid" (subtitled "Redemption" for the US release), which sounds quite fun and is opening in Madison on the 13th:,71283/

Anyway, I'd be up for seeing it on the 13th or the 15th...  I had talked to a few folks about seeing it on a Wednesday, but that Wednesday is the first day of wifilmfest, so I'll be seeing OTHER movies instead...

Edit: After a handful of sort-of votes cast, we're gonna be doing the 6:55 show at Eastgate, on the 15th (Sunday). See you there!

Latest Discussion
CJ Kucera
Ha, The Editing Room just put up a great (and quite accurate) abridged script for this:
4663 days ago
Nelson Ferreira
Eastgate at 6:55 sounds good. Audra unfortunately can't make it but Giulia might tag along.
4675 days ago
CJ Kucera
I had another offline vote for Eastgate as well, and it turns out that I wouldn't be able to make the later show either.

So! Sunday at 6:55 at Eastgate is the current plan. Will see you there!
4676 days ago
Molly Cowden
Eastgate is just down the road for me, but I honestly have no preference either.

And just because it's a "school night" for me, I'd prefer the earlier time. But I can make both work. :)
4677 days ago
CJ Kucera
Cool, let's do the 15th then. Looks like it'll be showing at Sundance and Eastgate; I'd be down with either and don't really have a preference. Sundance would be slightly more expensive though not terribly so, on a Sunday.

Sundance showtimes: 6:55, 9:15 (and some earlier stuff)
Eastgate showtimes: 6:55, 9:25 (and some earlier stuff)

I don't really have a preference timewise either...
4679 days ago
Nelson Ferreira
I second for the 15th!
4679 days ago
Andrew Nepstad
I would go on the 15th but can't do the 13th. Looks pretty sweet!
4679 days ago
Tom Bacon
I make a motion for the 15th, do I have a second?
4680 days ago
Brian Moellers
I will be preparing for my flight... I will not be able to attend.
4680 days ago
Molly Cowden
I'd probably be good for the 15th, but don't let that dictate anything...
4680 days ago
Nelson Ferreira
I'm good for either day as well.
4680 days ago
Tom Bacon
I'll see that, I'm good for the 13th or 15th.
4681 days ago
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