
Discussion started by Laura , on 29 August 08:15 AM
I was at the tourament yesterday judging and watching two men fight, Bheem and Karna. It was really fun until the end when the two were slowing down. They seemed to be tired. Then in the middle of the fight Karna dropped his sword when Bheem was about to go on.
Just then Karna cried out, "wait Bheem don't fight let me pick up my sword and then I will fight. It is not just to kill a man when he is defenceless."
At these words I said, "How dare you speak of justice! Where was justice when you set fire on the school of the students, where was justice when you kicked them out of the school for thirteen years, where was justice when you persuaded them not to return back to the school."
Just then Bheem raised his sword and stuck it in Karna and he was dead.
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