Another Empire Strikes Back Uncut clip - with AT-ATs!
Hello once again!
So, we all had (I think) a great time putting together our clip for The Empire Strikes Back Uncut. You're allowed to have five clips total, so I'd been wanting to do another one, and though it was tempting to pick one with actual dialogue this time around, I still really wanted to get a scene with AT-ATs in them. So, behold!
Scene 102 is ours for the re-doing. I don't really have much of a plan yet, apart from really wanting to have one of our lions lumbering around, shooting lasers out of its eyes.
I'll have to figure out how to do lasers.
Anyway, as per last time, feel free to hit me up with ideas! This one's more technically involved but I think it should be easier to get people together to film it since we don't need a million people, like we did on the last one. We'll have to figure out what to use for the snow speeders...