ZYKFA to New Glarus

First major bike ride for the ZYKFA Cycling Club! The ride was fun with a stop on the way in and one on the way back for food, cold water, shade, etc... Ride was supported by Shimu and myself and the riders were Taylor, Andrew and Laura, we even picked up another rider on the way back (Taylor's sister). Great time had by all, check the pics!
The first major ride, ZYKFA to New Glarus and back, started out on a cloudy and somewhat sprinkly day, that didn't stop Taylor, Laura and Andrew G. from enjoying some coffee and bagels during the pre-ride.
This is the crew arriving at the first rest stop (Oak Bank on Seminole Hwy) about 16 miles into the ride.
They then took off down Seminole over to the bike trail and the countryside portion of the ride began!
This was a happy pic before they hit any hills... ;)
Beautiful countryside lined with wild flowers and rolling hills.
and the weather was great too!
View from the top of one of the hills
Arrival at the New Glarus Brewery. So, how was the countryside part of the ride? Hilly!
They were all in good spirits and were ready for some beer (both regular and Root Beer) and some walking around.
They have a gift shop, brewery tours, sampling room and a place to buy sample packs and cases of New Glarus Beer
The trolley is free and rides (all day) from the brewery to downtown New Glarus (4 stops).
Little waterfall at the entrance.
Top of the waterfall.
Beautiful fountain with a cool sculpture in bronze of birds.
And of course gnomes... or nissas
Party gnomes
The backyard of the gift shop/tasting room has plenty of seating and even bean bag toss...
View of New Glarus from the Brewery
More of New Glarus
Another view of the backyard
Shimu, Taylor and Laura enjoyed the samples, Andrew was empty handed, but we found some good Sprecher's root beer later... oh, I enjoyed a landjaegger (traditional beef jerky) yummy!
Taylor approves this fine device!
Very cool room, the size of these things is quite impressive
Hands off is probably so they don't have to get smears all over it :P
Yes, you can walk around and enjoy your sample while touring the brewery, also you keep the sample glass as a souvenir! Pretty sweet deal for only $3.50
Andrew enjoying some Cheddar cheese curds close to heaven
Not sure what the sign says but my dyslexia tells me it has something to do with wankers...
After the tour and some relaxing time it was back on the saddle. Andrew G. riding past the town of New Glarus (it's more than just that house...)
Trail towards the end of the ride (Oak Bank on Seminole), we cut it short so people could go home sooner.
Taylor declares VICTORY for all ZYKFA at the end of the ride!
It was hilly but it was fun
Taylor's sister, Laura and Andrew arriving at the end spot, yes, we picked up another rider on the way back! how about that, no losses, only gains! GO ZYKFA!
The triumphant crew toasts with some Wolersheim Winery Sparkling Grape Juice (non-alc is classy and responsible)
Taylor's sister, Andrew, Taylor, Laura, Mark (Laura's husband) and Shimu (who provided food, water and Gatorade support) all celebrate a ZYKFA mission accomplishment! Congratulations and thank you guys!!!
New Glarus
Keysha Monique Mabra
What a fantastic excursion, accomplishment, and scenic beauty!
4590 days ago
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