Group Wall
Whatever happened to the idea of doing rides on Saturday after the battle array practice?
Taylor McElligott on Thursday, 20 June 2013 06:57
Still a plan, but this week is testing for youth and adults. I assumed the turnout would be a little low. Also I'm testing this week.
4247 days ago
Hey all!
Due to varying circumstances (aka bike accident), I will not be leading any additional bike rides this season (year?). If weather permits and you do feel inclined, feel free to post here to notify other interested members.
Best of luck to all! I wish you the very best!
Due to varying circumstances (aka bike accident), I will not be leading any additional bike rides this season (year?). If weather permits and you do feel inclined, feel free to post here to notify other interested members.
Best of luck to all! I wish you the very best!
4489 days ago