Laughing in the Wind episode1 part 1 (eng sub)


Laughing in the Wind (xiao ao jiang hu), also known as The Smiling Proud Wanderer and the State of Divinity, is a wuxia novel written by Jin Yong (Louis Cha). Laughing in the WInd is a 2001 Chinese wuxia television series produced by Zhang Jizhong, the director that also produce the Demi God Semi Devil 2003, Legend of Condor Hero 2003, Return of Condor Hero 2006, and Heavenly Sword & Dragon Saber 2009. PS: Crystal Liu Yifei is NOT in this serie since she's only around 13 years old at the time of filming, way too young. 《笑傲江湖》素来以强烈的政治隐喻著称,里面各门各派似乎都有所指,大家争论不休。金大师总是说自己从来没有借古讽今的习惯——他越是致力于开脱,大家就越是热衷于探寻。我看过一个高手的结论好像是:少林、武当暗指江湖地位无可争议的美国和欧盟,五岳剑派相当于苏联——左冷禅对其他四派的兼并、拉拢、安插间谍、扶持代理人等等做法暗指苏共对联盟体中东欧各国的手段,果然很"左",还冷战(冷禅)......至于大搞个人崇拜、派内大清洗的日月神教,那什么......你们都懂的

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