Tao Lu Challenge

Discussion started by Rachel Spahr , on 02 January 01:02 PM

Hi everyone,

I had this idea as on facebook I'm part of a group of people that are all trying to get ourselves into shape and we are doing various fitness challenges - December was squats - January is push ups (ow).

I also thought about how woefully inadequate my own forms have become - not just because I'm heavier than I once was, but because (here's my confession) I rarely practice at home.

To that end I'm endeavoring to practice a set a day. I thought it would be fun to try to get a group on here doing that. Each set is really only - 20seconds to a minute or two of your time. If you're ambitious you can try adding sets one by one, until you're doing them all. If you know only Tan Tui, do it one line a day and add lines until you're up to where you know. If you're really ambitous you can try to practice each set mulitple times, but for me I'm shooting for once per day, per set. Today is Tan Tui and Lian Bu (because I missed yesterday).

Latest Discussion
Ron Webster
Thank you again Rachel for posting this challenge. 2013 has started with enough curve balls for me already but this challenge has helped me to focus. I haven't been chiming in as I should but I have been practicing my sets. There are days I only practice one and vary the tempo and focus on the applications but I have been faithful. THANK YOU AGAIN, my respects and well wishes to you all.
4393 days ago
Nelson Ferreira
Sounds awesome Rachel! So proud of you! All of that and rocking the lion too!!! :)
4402 days ago
Rachel Spahr
Nearing the end of the Month challenge!

I've found that I'm feeling much better about my knowledge of the basic (pre-Instructor level) curriculum.

I still need some work on Spear, but the other sets have been corrected & solidified in my head. I've started work on Kai Men, Wu Yi and Xuan Xin (sp?). I will also have to re-learn Cane set as I've nearly forgotten it. I think my next month Challenge will be to focus on that next level of sets (those I know anyways) and still periodically (1x a week perhaps) review the basics.
4402 days ago
Rachel Spahr
Weekends are hard! I had some bad deal personal issues to deal with that affected my training. Needless to say I didn't get any practice in on Friday Saturday or Yesterday. But went back at it today.

So far I feel good with: Tan Tui, Lian Bu, Duan Da, Mei Hua, Ba Bu, Wu Yi, Basic Broadsword, Basic Staff.

I feel iffy on but can get through: Basic Straightsword, Spear, Kai Men.

Cane I can only remember the first couple of movements. Ugh. Still, so far I've practiced more this past month than I have in all the months in the previous YEAR combined.
4410 days ago
Rachel Spahr
So how's everyone else doing with the challenge?

I know Sunday was an off-day - I didn't practice at all. But yesterday and today I attempted 9 sets. Straight sword still feels "iffy" to me. Spear messes me up quite a bit. I think I may have worked out Kai Men after looking at some video on Youtube to refresh my memory, but I still don't feel solid about it. I'll keep plugging away at them and hopefully get some clarification on Straight sword and Spear next time I'm able to be there while Shifu is there. After some work with Shifu, Mei Hua and Ba Bu are back in my skill set.
4416 days ago
Nelson Ferreira
Yay Taylor!!!

And Rachel, that's my Da Shijie!!! :)
4421 days ago
Rachel Spahr
And to add today for me is spear. I'm having issues remembering the end of it- and I'm using a cat toy as a spear - if my neighbors can see inside my living room window, they must think I'm nuts! I'll keep trying to remember it.

That's the key to this challenge - remember it as best you can. If you only know a couple of sets or or know your material well, at least on a surface level - think about the applications and where your focus (eyes) should be looking. Work on your breath control too.

As for me, today I remembered the rest of Ba Bu - again hopefully correctly. I'll see if I can get some help either tonight or Saturday when I come to class. I'm sure I'm probably making minor mistakes that should be fixed before I commit them to memory!

So far this challenge has been enlightening and humbling.
4421 days ago
Taylor McElligott
So, I've been told that if I'm staying with this challenge, I need to vocalize it (assuming that's the correct word for this format).

So far I've started with Tan Tui and worked up to Tan Tui and Lian Bu every day. I still have to get Broadsword in there, but I'm working up to it. Since I only have a couple of sets under my belt, I'll try to meet your challenge by working up to multiple iterations of each set in a day.

Thanks for the challenge! Gold stars for all who comp(l)ete!
4421 days ago
Rachel Spahr
I have to admit this is getting more time consuming to do all the sets in one session I may have to do them in two "breaks" during the day. But I'll get them all in!

Today: Tan Tui, Lian Bu, Duan Da, Mei Hua, Broadsword, Staff, Straightsword (which I finally remembered yesterday - hopefully correctly) and Ba Bu, which I couldn't remember yesterday, so I'm trying again today.
4422 days ago
Nelson Ferreira
Yes, we keep the transitions out of the pictures because that's what needs to be learned in class. I'll be there tonight and we can talk about the issue then. Great job though!
4424 days ago
Rachel Spahr
Ok so far I've done Tan Tui, Lian Bu, Broadsword, Duan Da, Staff, Mei Hua (which I had a hard time with but finally recalled) and I started to do straight sword and....snag! I looked at the photo resource hoping it would jog my memory but since my issue is with a transition - the pictures weren't that helpful.

So that's something for me to work on next time I'm in class - maybe have someone who knows it go through straight sword with me to jog my memory. Or maybe just being in the Guan as opposed to my living room will help!
4424 days ago
Rachel Spahr
And today was Tan Tui, Lian Bu and broadswordless, Broadsword (space constraints of my apartment so no actual weaponry).

I know Tan Tui and Lian Bu super well and Broadsword wasn't much of a challenge considering I didn't have a weapon in hand. But I know there are sets coming (Ba Bu and Spear in particular) that are um, rusty at best. The ones I don't know well or flat out can't remember I will be noting for consultation with Shifu. It's important to me that I get the sets I "should know" down pat - even ones that are more Intermediate/Advanced and I therefore rarely teach.
4428 days ago
Ron Webster
THANK YOU Da Shijie for the post.
I'm in!
4428 days ago
Woody Wallace
I'll take your challenge. I was doing this for a while last winter and for stretches in the past. It is good for keeping you warm in the winter.
4429 days ago
Nelson Ferreira
Fantastic idea! The challenge is for the month? I love it!
4429 days ago